Donate Now

Donations are Tax Deductible to the fullest extent the law allows.
LaunchIt -- $700
Funds will help an aspiring entrepreneur to attend the LAUNCHIT 12-week entrepreneur class, a CO. STARTERS Core curriculum with a certificate of completion in busines start up.
CBO Events -- $350
Funds will directly support back-to-school events for kids in low to moderate-income communities, school supplies, community giveback, Christmas Smiles events for senior citizens, and community collaborations.
Lift -- $125
Funds will help teens obtain financial literacy education, course curriculum, classroom supplies, network, and computer support for the class instructions.
New Beginnings -- $60
Will help the prviouly encarserated person with peer-to-peer workshops, obtain state IDs, job interview attire, soft skills instructions, and basic human necessities to help reduce recidivisim.

Coporate Sponsorships

About Us

Educating entrepreneurs at every stage on starting, operating, managing, and running a successfull business that will create economical growth.


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