In conjunction with Drake State Community and Technical College, we will be hosting an Incubator Entrepreneurship program. This program will target women aspiring to become entrepreneurs along with those […]

The program emphasizes experiential learning, equipping participants with practical skills and insights that transcend theoretical knowledge. We identify and test your assumptions while addressing community obstacles and opportunities. We teach you brand identity and the importance of starting small. You will understand product distribution, pricing, gross profits, fixed and variable costs, and calculate your break-even […]


7 and 7 Community Baby Shower

Join Waiting List The 7 and 7 Community Baby Shower is for all expecting mothers in the LMI communities who are seven months pregnant or one to seven months postpartum. This event will provide the essential items needed for new babies. We will have guest speakers, medical personnel, food, and fun for everyone to enjoy. […]

Financial Literacy Class with G.A.B.B.I.

We are bringing basic financial literacy to teens. Teaching them about topics such as.  S.M.A.R.T. Goal savings, Creidt, Good Debt & Bad Debt.  Credit Scores, Predatory Lending, spending habits, and much more.

About Us

Educating entrepreneurs at every stage on starting, operating, managing, and running a successfull business that will create economical growth.


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