Our Story

CNI Solutions is synonymous with Charles and Iris. They founded this organization to find solutions to the problems faced by the Low to Moderate-Income (LMI) communities. Growing up in the LMI communities, they understand the inequality and social and economic differences the communities endure.
Charles and Iris became parents at the young age of 16. With the odds stacked against them, society told these teen parents they would not make it and were doomed to fail. Not only as individuals but as parents as well.Knowing the struggle to come, they were determined to be that change.

They wanted to break that never-ending cycle of failure and disappointment many in the LMI communities fall victim to. They needed to be a positive influence on their children. Charles and Iris did not just beat the odds; they conquered them with overwhelming success.

They went on to raise three children, whom all became college graduates. Charles served 12 years in the military, then went on and obtained his FAA Airframe and power plant license from Middle Georgia State University. Iris graduated from the University of Florida with a master’s degree and received her doctoral degree in business from Stetson University. They are more than just another name in the community. They are the community. They found the solution to beat the odds, and they want to provide solutions to others in the community to become financially independent with the programs they offer to the community. They are CNI SOLUTIONS.

About Us

Educating entrepreneurs at every stage on starting, operating, managing, and running a successfull business that will create economical growth.


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